Category Archives: Main Street

Vancouver Mural Festival 20Aug2016


This mural festival was the first time to be held in Vancouver and I assume will continue to be held every year. Since the murals are “permanent” where they will find the wall spaces for more mural art is beyond me but I will let them worry about that. I arrived early and went through the map and as the day progressed, more and more people were setting up. There was the usual variety of table stands but in addition were additional “artsy” activities such as art work on the streets, small “murals” on a variety of “canvasses” and live music and acts. Sad to say I missed most of these as I had to get to work at 3pm. But I did get most of the murals shown on the guide map and found the others the next day. It was certainly fun walking around to each mural location and try and find them. The murals were relatively close to each other so walking was feasible. There were quite a number of people doing the same “tour” as I did and taking photos and some were on bicycles, on their own or on a tour. I certainly wish I could have stayed for the entire day to see all the fun.


Vancouver Mural Festival 2016

Vancouver Mural Festival 2016

Vancouver Mural Festival 2016

And not to forget the first mural display at Maker Labs.

Maker Labs Vancouver Mural Festival 2016

Maker Labs Vancouver Mural Festival 2016

Maker Labs Vancouver Mural Festival 2016

Maker Labs Vancouver Mural Festival 2016

The complete album is here

walk on Main St 30 Jul 2016


I walked to work again and wasn’t feeling up to bringing the DSLR as I felt like I’ve just about shot this street too much as it is. And then I stumbled on this vintage car. I turned to the IPhone and shot a few compositions and finally settled on a b&w version using the Hipstamatic App. I was quite please with the results and wished I’d done this with the few vintage cars I’ve seen around the city. And, of course, there is the annual vintage car exhibition at the Van Dusen Botanical Garden.




The complete gallery is here.

main street

walk to work via Main St

I’ve lived close to Main Street for a long time and watched it change throughout the years. It starts at the North-E Waterfront Rd in downtown and ends at South-E Kent Rd along the train tracks. Going from North to South the areas are Chinatown, the Mount Pleasant Area, India Town, Superstore and warehouses up to the railway tracks and residential housing along the way. Th Mount Pleasant area has changed from a dicrepit looking street mostly of used clothing stores and old/antique stores to more yuppie restaurants and stores.

walk to work via Main St

walk to work via Main St

walk to work via Main St

walk to work via Main St

walk to work via Main St

walk to work via Main St