Category Archives: Columbia Gorge

path to Elowah Falls

1 by SlowManLuis2011
1, a photo by SlowManLuis2011 on Flickr.

Path to a pro workflow as well…somewhere along the line I forgot to create the best image possible by not figuring out a set workflow. In the end it wasn’t that complex but it still took a while to think it out. Basically it starts by using Nikon Capture NX2 to create a tif version with only WB and exposure adjustments. The rest of the post processing is then done in Lightroom from which a jpg version is created. The use of Lightroom required some organization thinking and the result was a Lightroom catalog by year. The jpg images were then resized and copyright information added in ACDSee Pro.

Multnomah Falls

7 by SlowManLuis2011
7, a photo by SlowManLuis2011 on Flickr.

This is what happens when it’s raining and a strong runoff is going in the Spring. Water everywhere…my glasses were foggy and watery. The camera and the lens were getting wet. The lens was impossible to keep clear. Not much one can do when the waterfalls is spraying water all over the place. One can only back up but then the optimal vantage point is gone. It was beautiful though.

Wahkeena Falls

Originally uploaded by slowmanluis2010

This was dowstream from the main falls. Never made it to the bottom as we were getting tired. The photos I took here were probably closer to the way I wanted to see it. Shooting waterfalls is not easy as looking at the LCD does not really look like what it actually does on the ‘puter. There are so many variables to shooting the water – the speed of the water, the angle, the colour of the rocks and underwater surface and the light. At least this time I remembered to shoot at different speeds but what looks ‘good’ on the LCD isn’t necessarily what is good. Lots of experimentation still to do.